EMN Ireland Conference: Looking to the future for unaccompanied minors in Ireland and Europe

The report Approaches to unaccompanied minors following status determination in Ireland is now available.

This EMN Ireland conference discussed the status, care and integration of unaccompanied minors in Ireland and internationally, both those awarded protection and those transitioning to adulthood without an immigration status. The multi-disciplinary conference brought together speakers from a range of organisations. Dr Bryan McMahon, Former Chair of the Working Group on Improvements to the Protection Process, including Direct Provision and Supports to Asylum Seekers provided an opening address.

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Registration & Coffee


Welcome Address

Alan Barrett, Director, ESRI



Dr Bryan McMahon, Former Chair of the Working Group on Improvements to the Protection Process


Session 1: Unaccompanied minors in the international context

Chair: Michele Clarke, Department of Children and Youth Affairs

Approaches to unaccompanied minors following status determination: Ireland in an EU context

Samantha Arnold and Sarah Groarke, EMN Ireland/ESRI

Promising practices for working with separated children and youth to secure comprehensive solutions

Jyothi Kanics, Faculty of Law, University of Lucerne

The best interests of the child and the protection system

Maria Hennessy, UNHCR Ireland – the UN Refugee Agency


Questions & Answers


Tea / Coffee Break


Session 2: Care, aftercare and integration of unaccompanied minors

Chair: Shirley Martin, Co-Director Early Years and Childhood Studies, University College Cork

Social work and aftercare services for separated children in Ireland

Barbara Monaghan and Thomas Dunning, TUSLA Social Work Team for Separated Children Seeking Asylum

Unaccompanied minors in Sweden

Marie Bengtsson, Swedish EMN National Contact Point, Swedish Migration Agency

'More than a new language' - addressing the education and training needs of unaccompanied minors in Ireland

Jessica Farnan, CDETB Youth and Education Service for Refugees and Migrants


Questions and Answers




Session 3: Pathways to status for unaccompanied minors

Chair: Hilkka Becker, Chairperson, International Protection Appeals Tribunal

Pathways to status for unaccompanied minors

Brian Merriman, Policy Division, Irish Naturalisation and Immigration Service

Katie Mannion, Irish Refugee Council 

Unaccompanied minors and international protection – Legal services provided by the Legal Aid Board

Evelyn Petoia, Legal Aid Board


Questions and Answers


Closing Remarks

Emma Quinn, EMN Ireland/ESRI