ESRI Conference: Innovation, Productivity and Public Policy

Venue: The ESRI, Whitaker Square, Sir John Rogerson's Quay, Dublin 2

The ESRI Conference 'Innovation, Productivity and Public Policy' will take place on the afternoon of Tuesday 16 October2012 in the ESRI.

Innovation is now widely regarded as having a key role to play in Ireland's future growth prospects. It is central to raising productivity, and hence competitiveness, and equally importantly, it is central to Ireland’s expanding export sales and successfully entering new export markets. Decisions in relation to innovation are made by individual enterprises. Nevertheless, public policy plays a role in the process by the way it fosters and enables investments in innovation and export drives.

The Conference will be opened by Richard Bruton, TD, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation. Presentations will be given by Prof Nola Hewitt-Dundas (Queen's University, Belfast), Prof Iulia Siedschlag (ESRI & TCD), and Prof Stephen Roper (University Warwick). The panel of respondents comprises: Dr Eoin Gahan (Forfás), Dr Dieter F. Kogler (UCD), andDr Steve McFeely(CSO).

Media Release


13.30 Registration

13.55 Welcome: Professor Frances Ruane, Director, ESRI

14.00 Opening Address: Richard Bruton, TD, Minister for Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation

Session 1

Chair – Frances Ruane, ESRI

14.15 "Knowledge Flows of Innovation in Small Open Economies: Comparative Analysis of Ireland and Singapore"

Professor Nola Hewitt-Dundas, Queen’s University Belfast

Download Presentation

15.00 "Innovation and Productivity in Services: Empirical Evidence from Enterprise Surveys"

Professor Iulia Siedschlag, ESRI and Trinity College Dublin. Download Presentation

15.45 Coffee

Session 2

Chair – Niall O’Donnellan, Enterprise Ireland

16.00 "Does Additionality Persist? A Panel Data Investigation of the Legacy Effects of Public

Support for Innovation"

Professor Stephen Roper, Warwick Business School. Download Presentation

16.45 Panel and Audience Discussion

Dr Eoin Gahan (Forfás), Dr Dieter F. Kogler (UCD), Dr Steve McFeely (CSO)

17.30 Close