Launch of Growing Up in Ireland: The Lives of 9-Year-Olds (Cohort ’08)

Please register by 10:00am on 15th June.

The Growing Up in Ireland study team cordially invites you to the launch of its latest report: Growing Up in Ireland: The Lives of 9-Year-Olds of Cohort ’08

This new and extensive report presents a detailed overview of being 9 years old for children born in 2008 at the dawn of the ‘Great Recession’ of 2008-2013.  Nearly a decade later, in 2017/18, these children and their families gave the Growing Up in Ireland study team a detailed report on how they were faring in areas of physical health, emotional well-being, family relationships, schooling and their current economic circumstances.

This report builds on previous work to paint a richly descriptive picture of that age and stage for Cohort ’08, with extended analyses of trends by household income, gender and parental education.

The report will be launched by Ms Bernie McNally, Assistant Secretary General at the Department for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.  This will be followed by a presentation of highlights from the report by the authors and a response from discussant, Prof. Trevor Spratt, Professor of Childhood Research at Trinity College Dublin.

Growing Up in Ireland (GUI) is the national longitudinal study of children. It is funded by the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth. The study is managed and overseen by the Department in association with the Central Statistics Office. It is carried out by a consortium of researchers led by the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) and Trinity College Dublin (TCD).

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