Webinar: Implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for policy in relation to children and young people

Hosted by the ESRI, this online event will present the findings of a new study on the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic for policy in relation to children and young people in Ireland, written by Merike Darmody, Emer Smyth and Helen Russell.

This study, conducted with the Department of Children, Disability, Equality and Integration, looks at emerging evidence on the impact of the pandemic in the areas of family and social relationships; physical and mental health; education (from early childhood to third level), and post-school transitions.

The report will be launched by Minister Dr Roderic O’Gorman.

The webinar will include a presentation of the findings followed by a response to the report by a senior policymaker. A Q and A session will also be held in which all attendees are encouraged to participate.




Professor Alan Barrett, ESRI Director 


Opening address

Dr Roderic O'Gorman, TD, Minister for Children, Disability, Equality and Integration


Presentation of the study findings

Helen Russell, Emer Smyth and Merike Darmody


Response by senior policymaker

Tom O'Brien, Programme Manager, Mental Health Unit at the Department of Health


Q and A session

Moderated by Alan Barrett



The findings from the report were presented during a live webinar. You can watch the webinar below.