ESRI Newsletter June 2021
Message from the Director:
The month of June was extraordinarily busy for the Institute. Early in the month, a Quarterly Economic Commentary (QEC) Special Article on the provision of housing and government borrowing attracted some of the liveliest headings and public debate the ESRI has seen in some time. The subsequent summer Quarterly Economic Commentary projected substantial growth for the economy for the rest of the year.
Our second Budget Perspectives 2022 paper, ‘COVID-19 and the Irish welfare system’, provided important insights on the various pandemic income support payments and how the planned withdrawal of such supports will impact recipients. Research conducted in collaboration with Microsoft examined the current health information system and data landscape in Ireland and considered features of health information systems internationally that could be implemented in Ireland.
This week I chaired, and Conor O’Toole participated in, the National Economic Dialogue 2021, an event hosted jointly by the Department of Finance and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform. And last week, Adele Bergin and I spoke with US Congressman Brendan Boyle about ESRI research and our research on Northern Ireland in particular.
Lastly, I want to draw attention to the recent publication of the ESRI Review of Research 2020, a snapshot of the Institute’s accomplishments in 2020. You can read this report below. While 2020 is not a year we as a nation will remember fondly, I am proud of the work my colleagues completed under extraordinary circumstances. Hopefully, ‘normal’ is around the corner.
Professor Alan Barrett