European Migration Network Reports and Web site


European Migration Network Reports and Web site

Embargo: 4.30 p.m. Thursday 11th August 2005

Members of the Press are invited to attend the launch of the following four reports by Gerard Hughes and Emma Quinn (ESRI)

  • Reception Systems, their Capacities and the Social Situation of Asylum Applicants within the Reception System in Ireland
  • Policy Analysis Report on Asylum and Migration: Ireland 2003 to mid-2004
  • Annual Report on Statistics on Migration, Asylum and Return: Ireland 2002
  • The Impact of Immigration on Irish Society

and the launch of The EMN webpage on the ESRI website ( The launch will take place at The Economic and Social Research Institute, 4 Burlington Road, Dublin 4 at 4.30 p.m. on Thursday 11th August 2005.

For further information contact:
Gerry Hughes or Emma Quinn on 01-6671525 or by email to or

REPORTS (available to download from the web site -

Reception Systems, their Capacities and the Social Situation of Asylum Applicants within the Reception System in Ireland
This report is the Irish contribution to the first small scale study undertaken by the European Migration Network The study examines the direct provision system in Ireland providing information on the asylum system, and the organisation, number and capacity of reception facilities. The social situation of asylum applicants in direct provision and the services available to them are described.

Policy Analysis Report on Asylum and Migration: Ireland 2003 to mid-2004
The Policy Analysis Report draws together a broad range of sources in order to inform about immigration and asylum policy between January 2003 and July 2004. The period saw many relevant developments including the introduction of the Immigration Act 2004, substantial amendments to the 1996 Refugee Act, the Accession of ten new EU Member States and the referendum regarding Irish citizenship.

Annual Report on Statistics on Migration, Asylum and Return: Ireland 2002
The National Contact Points of the EMN used statistical tables produced by Eurostat for the year 2002 in order to produce the Annual Report on Statistics on Migration, Asylum and Return. The Irish contribution includes information on policy changes and legal developments in 2002 and an analysis of migration statistics. Issues in relation to the asylum system are presented together with figures for the period. Information is provided on illegal immigration and return.

The Impact of Immigration on Irish Society
This report draws together available research on the broad topic of ‘the impact of immigration on Irish society’. A detailed discussion is provided on the historical development of migration in Ireland. Existing research on the economic, social, cultural and political impact of immigration is summarised.


EMN Page on the ESRI Website and the European Migration Network Website
The EMN webpage on the ESRI website ( provides access to all the reports listed above. Information is provided on the Network and its activities along with contacts to EMN partners. The EMN website ( now provides an opportunity for the public to download copies of reports compiled on a comparable basis by partners around Europe. The website will also provide access to a database containing a large amount of comparable information contributed by participating states. The migration/asylum information will include publications, case law, legislation and contact details. This section of the website is currently being tested with a view to providing access to the public. A demonstration of its contents will be given at the launch.

Copies of the reports will be made available from the ESRI web site at