@article {Social2016, title = {Social Disadvantage and Social Isolation Are Associated With a Higher Resting Heart Rate: Evidence From The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing}, year = {2016}, notes = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/geronb/gbu163}, url = {https://www.esri.ie/publications/social-disadvantage-and-social-isolation-are-associated-with-a-higher-resting-heart-rate-evidence-from-the-irish-longitudinal-study-on-ageing}, author = {McCrory, C., Finucane, C., O'Hare, C., Frewen, J., Nolan, H., and Layte, R.}, journal = {Journals of Gerontology (Series B): Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, Vol. 71, Issue 3, May, 2016}, }