@article {Research2023, title = {Research on the environment, health, consumer behaviour and the economy: ESRI research programme on environmental socio-economics 2020–2022}, year = {2023}, url = {https://www.esri.ie/publications/research-on-the-environment-health-consumer-behaviour-and-the-economy-esri-research}, author = {Andersson, Y., Barlow, P., Carthy, P., De Bruin, K., Griffin, M., Lyons, S., Lunn, P., Maître, B., Mao, L., Martinez-Cillero, M., Meier, D., Mohr, K., Nolan, A., O'Connell, B., O'Sullivan, V., Sloyan, A., Timmons, S., Tovar Reaños, M., Walsh, B., and Yakut, A.}, }