Checking the Price Tag on Catastrophe: The Social Cost of Carbon Under Non-linear Climate Response

June 29, 2011
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Research into the social cost of carbon emissions - the marginal social damage from a tonne of emitted carbon - has tended to focus on "best guess" scenarios. Such scenarios generally ignore the potential for low-probability, high-damage events, which are critically important to determining optimal climate policy. This paper uses the FUND integrated assessment model to investigate the influence of three types of low-probability, high-impact climate responses on the social cost of carbon: the collapse of the Atlantic Ocean Meridional Overturning Circulation; large scale dissociation of oceanic methane hydrates; and climate sensitivities above "best guess" levels. We find that incorporating these events can increase the social cost of carbon by a factor of over 3.

Megan Ceronsky
David Anthoff
Cameron Hepburn
Richard Tol
Research Area(s)

Publication Details



Place of Publication


Date of Publication

June 29, 2011

ESRI Series

ESRI Working Paper 392