Innovation in firms and labour market outcomes

October 9, 2017

World Employment and Social Outlook 2017, Chapter 4, pp. 119-145

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This thematic edition of the World Employment and Social Outlook report examines the fundamental role that sustainable enterprises play as engines of job creation, and how firms’ characteristics and strategies are related to labour market outcomes and firms’ performance. The analysis takes into account different initiatives by the international community and the ILO. The report builds on the concept of “sustainable enterprises” elaborated at the 96th Session of the International Labour Conference in 2007 in the Conclusions on The promotion of sustainable enterprises adopted by the Conference. The concept is implicitly linked to a general approach to sustainable development – an approach which postulates a holistic, balanced and integrated perspective on development – and emphasizes that firms can meet their needs of competitiveness and profitability at the same time as advancing long-term societal goals.