Klimaschäden und Klimaverhandlungen

November 30, 2009

ifo Schnelldienst, Vol. 62, Issue 2, 2009, pp. 52-54

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Climate damage and climate negotiations:At the world climate summit at the beginning of December, an important round of negotiations in the battle against climate change will begin. However, the chances of achieving a new climate accord and thus a successful outcome in Copenhagen have fallen dramatically in recent months. There are many barriers to a new agreement, including the unequal distribution of past and future CO2 emissions in industry and newly industrialised countries and the unequal distribution of the predicted damages from climate change. Poor countries will suffer particularly high damages from the warming of the world's climate. But also growth areas such as China and India will lose a considerable part of their gross domestic product through climate change damages in the year 2100.

David Anthoff
Janina Ketterer
Jana Lippelt
Research Area(s)

Publication Details


Ifo Institute for Economic Research

Place of Publication


Date of Publication

November 30, 2009

ESRI Series

Journal Article