Nationwide UK (Ireland) / ESRI Savings Index, October 2013

November 14, 2013
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Following a strong rise in September, the Nationwide UK (Ireland) Savings Index, which measures attitudes to saving and saving conditions, has fallen across most measures in October. As consumers digested bad news in the budget and the ongoing declines in interest rates, the overall Savings Index dropped 12 points this month to 98 from 110 in September. The Savings Attitude sub-index declined by 14 points and the Savings Environment sub-index weakened by 8 points to 99. Despite the bad news for savers during the month, the year on year index remains largely unchanged and stood at 98 in October 2013 compared to 97 a year ago.

Research Area(s)

Publication Details


Nationwide UK (Ireland) / ESRI

Place of Publication


Date of Publication

November 14, 2013

ESRI Series

Indices Report