The Pattern of Personal Expenditure in Ireland

January 1, 1963

Journal of the Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland, Vol. XXI Part II, 1962/64, p. 1-17

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The object of the present paper is to study the distribution of personal expenditure in Ireland over a number of commodity groups, to analyse the changes that have recently taken place, and to consider the implications for the future. In particular, an attempt is made to assess the effect of income and price changes, though it will be seen that very firm conclusions cannot be drawn, and the results obtained will be m the nature of general tendencies rather than strict laws. A forecast of the future pattern of expenditure will be made, but it will depend to a good deal on assumptions and judgment.


Publication Details


Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of Ireland

Place of Publication


Date of Publication

January 1, 1963

ESRI Series

Journal Article