The role of Social Science in relation to public policy

January 1, 1973

Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, Vol. 73 Section C, 1973

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This paper argues that the social scientist has a legitimate scientific interest in policy matters. Since values cannot be excluded, however, the objectivity of the social sciences depends substantially on the personal integrity of the individual social scientist and the criticism of his fellows. Reviewing the current state of the social science disciplines, the author notes that there is considerable disquiet about their small contribution to meeting pressing social problems. The key research areas of the future concern the distribution of income, wealth, privilege and power. However, although research should be relevant to practical problems, this does not imply that it should concern itself mainly with immediate problems, since research projects take time to execute and apply.


Publication Details


Royal Irish Academy

Place of Publication


Date of Publication

January 1, 1973

ESRI Series

Journal Article