BRU Programmes
Who we work with, on what topics
Below are our current projects related to Finance and Consumer Choice, Health, Environment and Miscellaneous. For previous projects, please see our publication list.
Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (CCPC)
The Behavioural Economics of Housing Transactions
Research for the Competition and Consumer Protection Commission is investigating whether the way houses are transacted in Ireland is a potential source of unfairness for buyers and sellers, and contributes to higher price volatility. The research is undertaking comparisons to systems in other countries to provide evidence to underpin potential reforms.
The impact of the cost-of-living crisis on low-income households
This study will examine how low-income households in Ireland have been impacted by the cost-of-living crisis and how they have adapted their behaviours to cope. The study will also look at the extent to which such households have availed of existing welfare benefits and support services that can help cope with financial strains, and what the barriers to the use of such supports might be. To do this, we will run a survey with a large nationally representative sample of participants from low-income households. Results are expected in the first half of 2025, and will provide important insight for policy and the design of interventions to help low-income households cope with financial pressures.
National Immunisation Office
Encouraging childhood immunisation
This project examines how behavioural science can help understand and encourage parents’ take-up of the primary childhood immunisation schedule (vaccines for babies aged 2-13 months). The programme began in early 2024 and will first involve a literature review and behavioural analysis of current touchpoints and materials, followed by empirical work.
Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland
We are carrying out a research programme for the Gambling Regulatory Authority of Ireland that examines gambling behaviours, patterns of gambling and potential links between gambling and broader life outcomes. In 2023, we published a review of the international evidence on important policy-relevant issues around problem gambling (paper). Later that year, we ran a study measuring the prevalence of problem gambling in Ireland (paper). The best estimate from that study is that 1-in-30 adults in Ireland suffers from problem gambling – ten times higher than a previous measure from 2019. Data collected were also used to test the link between childhood experiences of gambling and problem gambling in later life (paper). In late 2024, we will publish studies looking at the effects of inducements to gamble (e.g. free bets) on gambling decision-making.
Department of Health
Food Choice and Obesity-prevention Policy
This programme is funded by the Department of Health. We investigate how consumers make food choices, test potential interventions designed to promote better choices, and examine the public’s perceptions of the causes of obesity and how this relates to support for obesity-prevention policies.
The programme has trialled three food labelling interventions. The first study used eye-tracking and real measures of consumption to estimate the effects of calorie labels on purchase and consumption (paper). The second tested the effects of a new portion size label on consumption in two field trials (paper). The third investigated the effects of NutriScore on supermarket purchasing behaviours (paper). Another stream of research under the programme investigates perceptions and comprehension of obesity and public health policies (working paper). The results of these and another study investigating perceptions of fairness of public health policies will be available in early 2025.
Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM)
This research programme supported by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM) began in Summer 2019. The programme investigates behavioural factors and remedies in support of the Government’s target of the eradication of TB from the Irish herd.
The first stage of the project is complete. We undertook a large scale qualitative study to elicit comprehensively and inclusively the views of Irish farmers on TB and its eradication in Ireland. Interviews with farmers identified multiple specific factors involved in decisions to implement measures aimed at reducing the risk of TB incident, contexts in which this is less likely, and farmers’ concerns with the programme as it stands.
Understanding these factors and which are most important in various contexts will be crucial to the success of the eradication programme in Ireland. The next stage of the research programme is being designed. It will investigate further with experimental methods the mechanisms identified in the qualitative stage, and measure their respective influences.
National Screening Service
Public Perceptions of Cervical Screening
A research programme funded by the National Screening Service investigates public perceptions of cervical screening in Ireland. The first study evaluated how well women in Ireland understand cervical screening, how much they trust the screening system and whether existing materials designed to inform women who are invited to participate in screening affect their comprehension and trust (working paper). Results showed that study participants in Ireland had lower trust and attributed higher blame towards screening services than participants in Scotland. However, exposure to information materials improved trust and reduced blame. The results of a second study to testing an intervention to further enhance comprehension and trust among Irish women will be available in late 2024.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Radon and Remediation
In one of multiple programmes funded by Environmental Protection Agency, we have tested ways to encourage people to test their home for exposure to radon. In the first phase, we conducted an online experiment to test how features of radon risk maps influence willingness to test for radon. The report is available here.
The next phase was a field trial. The trial tested whether behaviourally-informed letters issued to households can improve testing rates in high-risk areas. Results are available here.
The next phase will investigate ways to improve remediation rates for those affected by high levels of radon, with results expected in early 2025.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Greenwashing and Consumer Choice
In another EPA-ESRI research programme project, we are conducting experimental research on the effects of greenwashing on consumer choice. The first output was published in May 2024 with further results expected in early 2025.
The National Transport Authority
The National Transport Authority have commissioned us to examine the ways in which people think about active modes of travel and infrastructure implementation. Work has begun on the design of multiple studies, with the first outputs available here and here.
European Climate Foundation (ECF)
Climate Change and Ireland's Agricultural Sector
This research project funded by the European Climate Foundation (ECF) investigates the perspectives of the agricultural sector on climate change and climate policy, comparing it with the general population in Ireland. The aim is to understand how members of the Irish farming community think about climate change; their knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours around climate action and climate policy (especially relating to farming); and how their perspectives compare with those of the rural and urban Irish population.
The project involves a survey of the Irish farming community as well as of the Irish general population (rural and urban). Data collection for this project is currently underway and results are expected by early 2025.
Department of Transport
Behavioural Science and Sustainable Transport Modes
We are due to begin work in late 2024 in a project funded by the Department of Transport on using behavioural science to promote sustainable transport. Initial results are expected in 2025.
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI)
Behavioural Research to Inform Greener Home Transformations (BRIGHT)
In a project funded under the SEAI’s RD&D funding, we are collaborating with UCD and Electric Ireland Superhomes to investigate behavioural barriers to retrofitting; develop interventions, tools and strategies to overcome these barriers; and test the effectiveness of these approaches in the field. Work is due to begin in late 2024 with first findings in 2025.
Mental Models of Economic Paradigms for Sustainability
This EPA-funded project aims to investigate the mental models that the public hold regarding different economic paradigms, specifically focusing on post-growth systems and the concept of decoupling economic growth from climate change, waste, pollution, and biodiversity impacts. The study will record understanding, perceptions, attitudes and beliefs towards different economic paradigms and seek to identify the factors that influence acceptability, with results expected in late 2025.
Co-Benefits of Climate Policy
Many climate policies have benefits beyond emissions reductions. This two-phase project will first investigate understanding and perceptions of the co-benefits of various climate policies before testing whether particularly co-benefits are associated with policy support and willingness to engage in everyday climate action. Initial results are expected in late 2025.
Deirdre Robertson
Household Energy Use and Ventilation Behaviours
As part of the SEAI-funded ‘ALIGN’ project with Maynooth University and DCU, we are undertaking research into household energy use and ventilation behaviour. The motivation for the project is the complex relationship between residential heating and indoor air quality, particularly among those living in deprivation. Data collection is scheduled for early 2025.
Behavioural Impediments to Decarbonising Residential Heating
In a project co-funded by MaREI and DCC, we are investigating non-financial barriers to decarbonising residential heating. The study will assess consumer comprehension and perceptions of different decarbonisation technologies, including expectations for heating effectiveness and perceived costs and benefits to uptake. Data collection is scheduled for early 2025. Findings will inform a broader study conducted by the ESRI’s Energy and Environment team on optimal decarbonisation policy.
Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications
Cyber Security
We are undertaking a project funded by the Department of the Environment, Climate and Communications that explores ways to encourage online behaviours that help to prevent the possibility of cyberattacks.
Block W
Supporting the Use of Digital Technology by Young People and Parents
This programme is on “digital parenting”; the challenges faced by parents and young people in navigating a digital world safely. The research will investigate the extent and nature of the problem of digital parenting with a particular focus on how the challenges may differ across socioeconomic groups. The project will start with a broad literature review, including assessment of successful interventions to support digital wellbeing. This may be used to inform future trials in this area.
Celine Fox
Deirdre Robertson
Pete Lunn
Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth
Public Understanding of Immigration in Ireland
We are working with the ESRI’s Migration, Integration and Demography team to undertake a diagnostic study of perceptions of immigration in Ireland. The study will investigate, for example, how accurate the public are regarding relevant immigration statistics, perceptions of fairness in potential policy responses to immigration and whether there are links between perceptions and attitudes. Data collection is scheduled for early 2025.