ESRI May 2024 Newsletter
Message from the Director
Dear Reader,
Responding to the climate crises requires collective action to reduce our daily emissions. However, research published by the ESRI this month found that people do not yet understand how their dietary choices affects climate change. Also on the climate challenge, another piece of research published this month found that young people underestimate how worried older people are about climate change. Correcting this underestimation increased these young people’s belief that others will play their part to help mitigate climate change.
A report Changing social worlds of 13-year-olds found better quality relationships between teenagers and their parents, with less conflict and greater discussion, compared with 13 year olds ten years earlier. However, financial pressures continue to be a source of friction in families. In addition, young people from more disadvantaged backgrounds are less likely to take part in out-of-school activities like sport and cultural engagement that enhance their development.
Also on young people, our report Housing, health and happiness: How (in)adequate housing shapes child and parental wellbeing generated a notable amount of interest. While much of the debate on housing in Ireland has focused on supply, this report shows how the quality of housing and the communities in which people live are also critical for families’ wellbeing
On 13 June, we will publish three papers for this year’s Budget Perspectives conference. Among the topics to be discussed are State Contributory Pension reform, increasing Pay Related Social Insurance to fund the State Pension and the distributional impact of carbon pricing.
Lastly, we will be publishing the Quarterly Economic Commentary, Summer 2024 towards the end of the month, so do keep an eye out.
Professor Alan Barrett