An overview of climate change impacts, adaptation strategies, and future climate in Ireland

September 16, 2024
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To achieve the agreed goals of the Paris Climate Agreement, Ireland has taken significant steps through its ambitious climate legislation. While setting climate policies is paramount to ensure a transition to a low carbon economy, creating a better understanding of the future climate, the impacts of climate change and potential adaptation strategies is vital to prepare Ireland. This paper aims to provide a brief summary of impacts and adaptation strategies, including modelling approaches, numerical estimates, and Ireland’s future climatic conditions. Climate forecasts suggest that in the future, Ireland will face significant challenges. This paper discusses Ireland’s exposure to observed and future climate change in several sectors including agriculture, labour productivity, coastal flooding, and health. Adaptation measures that are promoted and implemented include the strengthening of flood defences and coastal protection, support for sustainable agriculture as well as incorporating climate resilience into urban planning and infrastructure development. This paper also indicates the need for more research on climate impacts facing Ireland. Although considerable research has been carried out and there is an active research community working on climate and adaptation issues, empirical estimates for some impact categories in Ireland are lacking or outdated.