ESRI researchers join the Expert Advisory Group
ESRI researchers, Helen Russell and Emer Smyth, have joined the Expert Advisory Group to the Citizens Assembly. The group will support the work of the Citizens' Assembly, which will examine and make recommendations on the issues of gender equality. The first meeting of the new Assembly took place on Saturday 25th January.
Helen Russell is a Research Professor and head of the Social Research division at the ESRI. Her research focuses on issues of equality, social inclusion, labour market and quality of life.
Emer Smyth is a Research Professor and joint principal investigator of the Growing Up in Ireland study. She leads research on a broad range of education topics, and her work has a strong focus on social inequality and gender issues.
A video of the first Assembly meeting is available to view online. Dr Catherine Day, former Secretary General of the European Commission and the current Chairperson of the Assembly, provided the opening address.
More information about the Committee is available here.