University graduation ceremony

Labour Markets and Skills

Research focuses on a wide range of policy areas examining how workers are faring in the labour market and what skills workers need to meet the needs of an evolving economy. Research topics include pay, unemployment, training and skills.

Open purse with coins atop a wooden table
Sub-minimum wages in Ireland

While all employees aged 15–19 could legally be paid a sub-minimum youth rate, just under one-quarter are actually paid this rate. The remaining three-quarters earn a higher wage.

Productivity levels in Ireland and Northern Ireland

By 2020, productivity per worker was approximately 40% higher in Ireland compared to Northern Ireland.

Minimum Wage
Minimum wage

A number of reports examine who earns the minimum wage in Ireland and how long people remain on the minimum wage for. 

Digital skills
Digital Skills

These reports address topics such as the labour market's demand for blockchain and automation skills to ensure workforce capabilities match this demand. 

Skilled worker wearing a blue apron is operating a machine in a warehouse
Skills Mismatch

These reports examine areas such as skill gaps, skill shortages and overeducation.