Hands in a circle

Social Inclusion and Equality

Research in this area examines the policy responses required to support vulnerable groups in Ireland. Social inclusion research explores the capacity of individuals and households to participate in economic and social life. Equality research in the ESRI investigates inequalities in opportunities and in outcomes.

boy looking out the window
Poor housing conditions harm family wellbeing

Mothers living in inadequate housing and poorer quality neighbourhoods report more depression, find parenting more stressful, and report greater conflict and less closeness with their children and partner. The children of these mothers, in turn, face greater social and emotional difficulties.

Various faces with different colours
Travellers and Roma face the highest levels of prejudice of any ethnic group in Ireland

Notably, people living in affluent areas were less comfortable with having Travellers as neighbours or in a relationship with their child than those living in disadvantaged areas. 

Open purse with coins atop a wooden table
Poverty and deprivation

Download research focusing on understanding the underlying processes of poverty and deprivation and how they respond to changing economic circumstances and policy interventions. 

Person using a wheelchair
People with disabilities in Ireland

Download research examining the experiences of people with disabilities in Ireland. 

Dictionary showing the definition of discimination
Human Rights and Equality Research Programme

Explore research published by the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission and the ESRI addressing equality and discrimination.